Danielle and her brother went to the town carnival. Together, they won 15 prizes. Danielle won 9 of them. What fraction did her brother win? If there had been only 10 prizes won, how many would her brother have won if the fractions were equivalent? Can you please show me how to solve the problem?

15 - 9 = 6

Her brother won 6/15 = 2/5

2/5 * 10 = 20/5 = 4

answers 738 bruh

To find the fraction of prizes that Danielle's brother won, we need to subtract the number of prizes Danielle won from the total number of prizes, and then express this as a fraction.

1. Calculate the number of prizes Danielle's brother won:
Total number of prizes - Number of prizes Danielle won = 15 - 9 = 6

2. Express the number of prizes Danielle's brother won as a fraction:
The brother won 6 out of 15 prizes.

To find out how many prizes Danielle's brother would have won if there were only 10 prizes in total, we need to calculate a new number of prizes based on the equivalent fraction.

1. Calculate the number of prizes Danielle's brother would have won with 10 total prizes:
Fraction of prizes brother won = 6/15
Number of prizes brother would have won = Fraction of prizes brother won * Total number of prizes
= (6/15) * 10
= 4

Therefore, if there were only 10 prizes won and the fractions were equivalent, Danielle's brother would have won 4 prizes.