1) A dog has the same mass for 3 years. State whether this represents an equilibrium or steady state situations, and give your reasons.

I'm not sure if I got this question right...

I think this is a steady state because the dog is opened to the environment where oxygen is free to enter and go. The dog has probably reached its full growth and is receiving consistent amount of food each day and exercise which is why the mass is the same. Also matter and energy can leave the dog which makes it an open system

Thanks in advance!

Steady state is correct. Here is a very good article on the difference.

I think most of what you have is correct but you may want to modify it here and there after reading the above reference.

You're on the right track! A dog having the same mass for 3 years represents a steady state situation. In a steady state, the system maintains a constant state over time by balancing inputs and outputs. In this case, the dog is receiving a consistent amount of food and exercise, which allows it to maintain its mass. The dog's metabolism is in equilibrium with its environment, as it is able to take in and utilize the necessary nutrients and energy to sustain its mass. And as you mentioned, matter and energy can leave the dog, making it an open system. Therefore, it can be concluded that the situation represents a steady state.

You're on the right track! In order to determine whether the situation represents an equilibrium or a steady state, we need to consider the concept of balance.

An equilibrium occurs when opposing forces or factors are balanced, resulting in a stable state. In this case, if the dog's mass remains constant for three years, it implies that the inputs and outputs of matter and energy are in balance.

A steady state, on the other hand, refers to a situation where a system maintains a constant condition over time, but it does not necessarily imply that the inputs and outputs are balanced. It only means that the condition of the system is unchanging.

In the case of the dog, if its mass remains constant over three years, it suggests that there is no significant change in the inputs and outputs of matter (food intake) and energy (food conversion, exercise, and metabolic processes). However, we can't conclude whether these inputs and outputs are in balance.

To determine if it is a steady state, we need to consider other factors like the dog's growth phase, exercise regimen, and food intake. If the dog has reached its maximum growth potential and is receiving a consistent amount of food each day, along with a regular exercise routine, then it could be considered a steady state situation. Additionally, if the dog is an open system, where matter and energy can enter and leave, it further supports the possibility of a steady state.

However, without specific information on the dog's inputs and outputs, it is difficult to definitively conclude whether it is a steady state or an equilibrium.