Where can I find the reaction that produces ethyl formate, which is Methanol and Methanoic acid?

I have looked on Google to find this but I've come up empty handed. Do you want the simple reaction, do you want the reaction mechanism, do you want the industrial production or some other facet of the production of ethyl formate. If you will be a little more specific I might be able to try some different key words. I think I wrote the simple reaction for you a couple days ago.

RCOOH + R'OH ==> RCOOR' + H2O. If this IS what you want and you just don't understand what I wrote, tell me specifically what you don't understand and perhaps I can elaborate.

This may be what Im after:)

Please elaborate in this reaction

We can't possibly remember the thousands of reactions and products but we CAN make some rules to follow that makes things a little simpler. R stands for everything in the molecule EXCEPT the functional group. Therefore, in the example, the functional group is COOH so R is H and HCOOH is the acid, methanoic acid in this case, or formic acid. Alcohols have the functional group of OH, so ROH stands for any alcohol with R being the remainder of the molecule that isn't the functional group. In the case of methanol, that is methyl alcohol or CH3OH. When writing a reaction we usually use R for one of the groups and we write R' when another R must be used to denote that R' and R don't need to be the same thing although they are sometimes.

So HCOOH + HOCH3 ==> HCOOCH3 + HOH is the reaction to produce the ester. Esters typically are made by reacting an acid and an alcohol. And the easy way to remember ALL of them is
I hope this helps. Surely you have gone over this in class. I thought the general formula two days ago would do it but apparently it didn't help. If I've made it too simple I apologize.

To find the reaction that produces ethyl formate (also known as ethyl methanoate), which is Methanol and Methanoic acid, you can refer to a reliable chemical database or search engine. One such commonly used database is the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) PubChem database.

Here's how you can find the reaction on PubChem:

1. Go to the PubChem website (https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and search for "Methanol" (also known as methyl alcohol) in the search bar.

2. Click on the relevant compound entry for Methanol in the search results.

3. In the Methanol compound page, you will find various sections, including "Chemical and Physical Properties," "Safety and Hazards," and "Compounds that contain Methanol." Click on the "Compounds that contain Methanol" section.

4. Among the compounds that contain Methanol, you should find Methanoic acid (also known as formic acid). Click on Methanoic acid to view its compound entry.

5. In the Methanoic acid compound page, you can find information about various reactions involving Methanoic acid. Look for the ethyl formate (ethyl methanoate) synthesis or reaction section within the compound entry.

6. The ethyl formate synthesis or reaction section will provide you with details on the precise reaction conditions and reagents required to produce ethyl formate from Methanol and Methanoic acid. This section may vary depending on the specific literature reference cited.

By following these steps, you should be able to find the reaction that produces ethyl formate (Methanol + Methanoic acid) on the PubChem database or similar chemical databases.