Find the area of the shaded region.

View the graph and image at:

postimg.o rg/image/dg4kt89v1/

Please help me explain this one. I know the ans to this one but can not work out.

you have to do in in two parts

we need the x-intercept:
0 = √x-3
√x = 3
x = 9

area from 0 to 9 + area from 9 to 16
(If you do it in one calculation from 0 to 16, the area which is below the x-axis will work its way into the answer as a negative area)

y = √x - 3
Area = ∫(-x^(1/2) + 3) dx from 0 to 9 + ∫(x^(1/2) - 3) dx from 9 to 16
= (-(2/3)x^(3/2) + 3x)|from 0 to 9 + ((2/3)x^(3/2) - 3x)| from 9 to 16
=(-2/3)(27) + 27 - 0 + (2/3)(64) - 48 - ((2/3)(27) - 27)
= -18 + 27 + 128/3 - 48 - 18 + 27
= 38/3