1 In Psychology, the study of personality focuses on:

a. change.
b. stability.
c. external factors.
d. learning factors.

Personality" is a dynamic and organized set of characteristics possessed by a person that uniquely influences his or her cognitions, emotions, motivations, and behaviors in various situations.

These stable influences are called personality. Personality disorders are a group of mental health conditions in which a person has a long-term pattern of behaviors, emotions, and thoughts that is very different from his or her culture's expectations.

4 The big Five in personality theories refers to which of the following?

a. a set of functional traits such as neuroticism and openness to experiences.
b. the group of personality theorists who criticized Freud's theory as too sexual.
c. The effect of positive reinforcement on requiring new behaviors.
d. the number of stages in Freud's theory of development.

The study of personality in Psychology focuses on understanding and explaining the individual differences in people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. One of the key aspects studied in the field is whether personality is changeable or stable over time.

To answer this question, we need to determine which answer choice aligns with the focus of personality study. Let's analyze each option:

a. Change: This answer choice suggests that personality is focused on understanding how individuals change over time.
b. Stability: This answer choice aligns with the focus of personality study, as it suggests that personality focuses on whether individuals' traits remain relatively consistent.
c. External factors: While external factors may influence personality, the field of personality psychology is primarily concerned with individual differences rather than external influences.
d. Learning factors: While learning factors may contribute to personality development, it is not the sole focus of personality psychology.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. stability, as it is the primary focus of the study of personality in Psychology.