Generate an image that visually represents the concept of land area and population correlation. The image should depict two maps, one very large and one small. In the larger one, show sparsely populated houses indicating a small population, while in the smaller one, demonstrate crowded skyscrapers representing a high population. This image will subtly hint towards the concept without adding any text and disregarding the answer already given. No human figures are involved.

What does it mean to say that a country's land area is positively correlated with its population?

a) The larger the land area of a country, the higher its population tends to be.
b) The smaller the land area of a country, the higher its population tends to be.
c) There is no relationship between a country's land area and its population.
d) A larger land area automatically means a higher population.

My Answer is: b
Please be honest !!!!!

1. A

2. B
3. A

Answers are


a b a is correct


This is correct! Thx so so so much!

Thank me later

1. The larger the land area of a country, the higher its population tends to be

2. A date point that falls outside of a general trend on a graph

3. A visual representation of the relationship between two variables


Lesson 3: Scatter Plots: Trend Lines
Unit 4

A, B, A is correct.


Is the correct answers you are welcome

The answer is A

The answer is A.