

How do I solve this one
g/4 is suppose to be a fraction


g/4 +7 = 10

g/4 = 10-7
g/4 = 3

4(g/4) =3(4)

g = 12

Thank you

To solve the equations:

1. 6m - 3 = 21
Given equation: 6m - 3 = 21
To isolate variable 'm', start by adding 3 to both sides:
6m - 3 + 3 = 21 + 3
6m = 24
Next, divide both sides by 6:
(6m)/6 = 24/6
m = 4

2. (g/4) + 7 = 10
Given equation: (g/4) + 7 = 10
To isolate the term (g/4), start by subtracting 7 from both sides:
(g/4) + 7 - 7 = 10 - 7
Simplify the left side:
g/4 = 3
Now, to eliminate the fraction, you can multiply both sides by 4:
4 * (g/4) = 4 * 3
g = 12

3. 3 + 2x = 17
Given equation: 3 + 2x = 17
To isolate variable 'x', start by subtracting 3 from both sides:
3 + 2x - 3 = 17 - 3
Simplify the left side:
2x = 14
Next, divide both sides by 2:
(2x)/2 = 14/2
x = 7

For the equation '7', you have only provided the expression '7' without an equal sign or variable. Please provide more information or context to better understand what you are asking.