Leslie saw 8 squirrles at the park. She saw 5 birds and 12 ants. how many more ants and birds did Leslie see than she saw squirrles?

(5 + 12) - 8 = ?


To find out how many more ants and birds Leslie saw than squirrels, we need to find the sum of the number of ants and birds, and then subtract the number of squirrels.

First, let's calculate the total number of ants and birds Leslie saw.
Number of ants = 12
Number of birds = 5

Total number of ants and birds = Number of ants + Number of birds
Total number of ants and birds = 12 + 5
Total number of ants and birds = 17

Now, let's subtract the number of squirrels from the total number of ants and birds to find out how many more ants and birds Leslie saw.
Number of squirrels = 8

Number of more ants and birds = Total number of ants and birds - Number of squirrels
Number of more ants and birds = 17 - 8
Number of more ants and birds = 9

Therefore, Leslie saw 9 more ants and birds than squirrels.