match definitions

Because water molecules stick together,
they form a thin film on the surface of pools
of water, on which some organisms can walk

Water molecules are able to move against
the force of gravity up plant stems

Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to other molecules, making water really good at dissolving a wide variety of substances

Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to one another

A water molecule has slight positive and
negative charges. This makes the molecule “sticky”

Because of its polarity, water is attracted to and sticks to other substances

"Because water molecules stick together.." is it cohesion?

no its surface tension

"Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to one another" that's cohesion

"Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to other molecules, making water really good at dissolving a wide variety of substances" universal solvent?

"Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to one another"


- Polarity: A water molecule has slight positive and negative charges. This makes the molecule "sticky" and allows it to be attracted to and stick to other substances.

- Cohesion: Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to one another.
- Surface Tension: Because water molecules stick together, they form a thin film on the surface of pools of water, on which some organisms can walk.
- Capillary Action: Water molecules are able to move against the force of gravity up plant stems.
- Universal Solvent: Because of its polarity, water molecules are attracted and stick to other molecules, making water really good at dissolving a wide variety of substances.
- Adhesion: Because of its polarity, water is attracted to and sticks to other substances.