What is the longitude and latitude of every piece of south America?


To obtain the longitude and latitude coordinates of every piece of South America, you would need a comprehensive database or access to mapping software. As an AI text-based assistant, I don't have real-time access to such data. However, I can guide you on how to find this information on your own.

1. Open a web browser and go to a trusted mapping website or geographical data provider, such as Google Maps, Bing Maps, or OpenStreetMap.

2. Use the search bar or the zoom feature of the map to navigate to South America. You can either search for the entire continent of South America or individual countries within it.

3. Once you have zoomed in to the desired level, you can click on specific locations, landmarks, or borders to view their latitude and longitude coordinates. The information may be displayed in the search bar or in an information panel on the map.

4. If you want precise latitude and longitude coordinates of specific points, you can right-click on the map at the desired location and select the option that says "What's here?" or "Get coordinates." This will give you the exact latitude and longitude for that point.

Remember that South America is a large continent with diverse geographical features, so obtaining the latitude and longitude of every single piece may be an extensive task. I recommend using mapping resources to obtain information about specific locations or landmarks that you are interested in.