HUM 130 Week 1 Vocabulary Quiz

Define these terms in your own words.
1. Immanent that which underlies every thing
2. Religion beliefs and practices which bind your life together to, with and for a 'higher power"
3. Theistic believing in God or gods
4. Monotheistic believing that there is only one God
5. Profane
6. Polytheistic
7. Monistic
8. Dogma
9. Nontheistic
10. Transcendent
11. Incarnations
12. Kensho
13. Atheism
14. Agnosticism
15. Rituals
16. Symbols
17. Myths
18. Orthodox
19. Routinization of charisma
20. Absolutists
21. Charisma
22. Fundamentalism
23. Phenomenology
24. Liberal
25. Mysticism
26. Heretic
27. Sacred
28. Soul

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i don't understand an homework it is to do with findind a diffrent word otherwase than walked.

Whenever you're looking for words that mean approximately the same as others, use and look for synonyms.

Let us know what you decide on.


To define these terms in your own words, you can break them down and provide a simplified explanation for each one. Here are the definitions:

1. Immanent: Refers to something that is present within or inherent to everything.
2. Religion: A set of beliefs and practices that connect individuals to a higher power, providing a framework for life.
3. Theistic: Believing in the existence of one or more gods.
4. Monotheistic: Believing in the existence of only one god.
5. Profane: Relating to things or actions that are not sacred or religious.
6. Polytheistic: Believing in the existence of multiple gods.
7. Monistic: The belief in the unity or oneness of existence.
8. Dogma: A set of fixed beliefs or principles that are accepted as authoritative and unchangeable.
9. Nontheistic: Not adhering to or believing in a god or gods.
10. Transcendent: Going beyond ordinary human experience, often associated with spirituality or a higher realm.
11. Incarnations: The embodiment or manifestation of a god or spiritual being in human form.
12. Kensho: A Japanese term referring to a deep insight or enlightenment experience in Zen Buddhism.
13. Atheism: Disbelief or denial in the existence of gods or deities.
14. Agnosticism: The belief that the existence of gods or a higher power is unknown or unknowable.
15. Rituals: Repetitive and symbolic actions or ceremonies performed for religious or cultural purposes.
16. Symbols: Objects, words, or images that hold deeper meanings and represent abstract ideas or concepts.
17. Myths: Traditional stories or narratives that explain the origin, beliefs, and cultural values of a society or religion.
18. Orthodox: Adhering to traditional or established religious beliefs and practices.
19. Routinization of charisma: The process of turning a charismatic leader's power into a more structured and institutionalized system.
20. Absolutists: Holding firm and uncompromising beliefs or principles, often in a religious or ideological context.
21. Charisma: The unique personal charm or magnetism possessed by individuals that inspires devotion or attraction in others.
22. Fundamentalism: A strict adherence to the fundamental tenets or beliefs of a religion, often resisting modern or secular influences.
23. Phenomenology: The study of subjective human experiences and consciousness, focusing on how individuals interpret and make sense of the world.
24. Liberal: In a religious context, it refers to a more open or tolerant approach that accommodates diverse beliefs and practices.
25. Mysticism: A spiritual practice involving a direct experience of a divine or ultimate reality, often through meditation or contemplation.
26. Heretic: A person who holds beliefs or opinions that contradict or go against the official teachings of a religious institution or community.
27. Sacred: Regarded as holy, divine, or spiritually significant.
28. Soul: The spiritual or immaterial essence of a person, often believed to be divine or everlasting.

Note: It's important to remember that these definitions may vary in different cultural, religious, or academic contexts.