On a map of the Fox River, 1 centimeter represents 6.5 kilometers. If a trail by the river is actually 26.65 kilometers long, what is the length of the river on the map?

26.65 / 6.5 = 4.1 cm

3.5 Answer

To find the length of the river on the map, we can set up a proportion using the given scale:

1 centimeter represents 6.5 kilometers

Let's call the length of the river on the map "x" centimeters. So, we can now set up the proportion:

1 centimeter / 6.5 kilometers = x centimeters / 26.65 kilometers

Cross multiplying the proportions, we get:

1 * 26.65 kilometers = 6.5 kilometers * x centimeters

26.65 kilometers = 6.5x centimeters

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 6.5:

26.65 kilometers / 6.5 = x

x ≈ 4.1

Therefore, the length of the river on the map is approximately 4.1 centimeters.

To find the length of the river on the map, we can use the concept of proportional reasoning.

Given that 1 centimeter represents 6.5 kilometers on the map, we can set up a proportion:

1 cm / 6.5 km = x cm / 26.65 km

Cross-multiplying, we have:

6.5 km * x cm = 1 cm * 26.65 km

Simplifying, we get:

6.5x = 26.65

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 6.5:

x = 26.65 / 6.5

Evaluating this expression, we find:

x ≈ 4.10

Therefore, the length of the river on the map is approximately 4.10 centimeters.