This radical abolitionist founded the American Anti-Slavery Society and owned the newspaper the “Liberator” which reflected extremist anti-slavery views.

The radical abolitionist who founded the American Anti-Slavery Society and owned the newspaper "Liberator" is William Lloyd Garrison. To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify keywords: The keywords in the question are "radical abolitionist," "American Anti-Slavery Society," and "Liberator."

2. Conduct an online search: Open a search engine (such as Google) and enter the keywords into the search bar. You might search for "radical abolitionist American Anti-Slavery Society Liberator."

3. Look for credible sources: Scan the search results for reliable sources, such as reputable websites, academic articles, or books written by reliable authors.

4. Verify the information: Click on the relevant sources to verify the information they provide. Look for information that states that William Lloyd Garrison founded the American Anti-Slavery Society and owned the newspaper "Liberator," reflecting extremist anti-slavery views.

By following these steps, you can find reliable information about William Lloyd Garrison and his role as a radical abolitionist, the founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society, and the owner of the newspaper "Liberator."