Use long division to perform the division. (Express your answer as quotient + remainder/divisor.)

(x^4 + 7x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1) / (x − 1)

visit and click on the long division button to play around with polynomial division.

To perform long division to divide a polynomial by another polynomial, follow these steps:

Step 1: Arrange the polynomials in descending order according to their exponents.

The dividend is: x^4 + 7x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1
The divisor is: x − 1

Step 2: Start dividing by the highest power of x. In this case, it's the term x^4.

Divide x^4 by x to get x^3. Write the result above x^3.

Step 3: Multiply the divisor (x − 1) with the result (x^3) and write the product below the dividend.

(x^3) * (x − 1) = x^4 − x^3

Step 4: Subtract the obtained product from the dividend.

(x^4 + 7x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1) − (x^4 − x^3) = 7x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1 + x^3

Simplifying, we have:
7x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1 + x^3 = 8x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1

Step 5: Bring down the next term. In this case, bring down the term -2x^2.

The polynomial becomes: 8x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1

Step 6: Repeat steps 2-5 until you have brought down all terms and there are no more divisions to be made.

Divide x^3 by x to get x^2. Write the result above x^2.

Multiply the divisor (x − 1) with the result (x^2) and write the product below the current polynomial.

(x^2) * (x − 1) = x^3 − x^2

Subtract the obtained product from the current polynomial.

(8x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1) − (x^3 − x^2) = 8x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1 − (x^3 − x^2)

Simplifying, we have:
8x^3 − 2x^2 + x − 1 − (x^3 − x^2) = 7x^3 − x^2 + x − 1

Bring down the next term, which is x.

The polynomial becomes: 7x^3 − x^2 + x − 1

Divide 7x^3 by x to get 7x^2. Write the result above x.

Multiply the divisor (x − 1) with the result (7x^2) and write the product below the current polynomial.

(7x^2) * (x − 1) = 7x^3 − 7x^2

Subtract the obtained product from the current polynomial.

(7x^3 − x^2 + x − 1) − (7x^3 − 7x^2) = 7x^3 − x^2 + x − 1 − (7x^3 − 7x^2)

Simplifying, we have:
7x^3 − x^2 + x − 1 − (7x^3 − 7x^2) = 6x^2 + x − 1

Bring down the final term, which is -1.

The polynomial becomes: 6x^2 + x − 1 − 1

Divide 6x^2 by x to get 6x. Write the result above x.

Multiply the divisor (x − 1) with the result (6x) and write the product below the current polynomial.

(6x) * (x − 1) = 6x^2 − 6x

Subtract the obtained product from the current polynomial.

(6x^2 + x − 1) − (6x^2 − 6x) = 6x^2 + x − 1 − (6x^2 − 6x)

Simplifying, we have:
6x^2 + x − 1 − (6x^2 − 6x) = 7x + 1

Since there are no more terms to bring down, the division is complete.

The final result is: x^3 + x^2 + 7x + 6 + (7x + 1) / (x - 1)