How to write 0.023494751 and 0.040381247 as a percent rounded to one decimal?

Would it be 2.3% and 4.0%?

i'd say so.

To convert a decimal number to a percent, you simply multiply it by 100. To round the result to one decimal place, you can use the rounded value of the decimal number.

Let's calculate:

For 0.023494751, multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage:
0.023494751 * 100 = 2.3494751

Now round this to one decimal:

For 0.040381247, multiply by 100 to convert to a percentage:
0.040381247 * 100 = 4.0381247

Now round this to one decimal:

So, the correct answers are indeed 2.3% and 4.0%.