How to change 84.9% and 88.1% to a decimal?

Would it be 0.849 and 0.881?



To convert a percentage to a decimal, you simply divide the percentage number by 100. Let's go through the steps to convert 84.9% and 88.1% to decimals:

1. For 84.9%, divide 84.9 by 100:
84.9 ÷ 100 = 0.849

So, 84.9% as a decimal is 0.849.

2. For 88.1%, divide 88.1 by 100:
88.1 ÷ 100 = 0.881

Therefore, 88.1% as a decimal is 0.881.

So, your answer is correct! 84.9% is equal to 0.849, and 88.1% is equal to 0.881 when converted to decimals.