The sides of a triangle are 8,15 and 18 the shortest side of a similar triangle is 10 how long are the other sides?

Find the scale factor of similar triangles whose sides are 4,12,20 and 5,15,25

Assume that traingle xyz is similar to triangle rpn with x(ray sign) r and p(ray sign) y. State three proportions that are TRUE

Prove that if one two similar triangles is isosceles, then the other is also isosceles

How to do those please/

To find the lengths of the other sides of a similar triangle, you can use the concept of proportional sides. In a pair of similar triangles, the ratio of corresponding side lengths is the same.

1. Given a triangle with sides 8, 15, and 18, and a similar triangle with a shortest side length of 10, you can set up a proportion to find the scale factor:

8 / 10 = 15 / x = 18 / y

Solve for x and y to find the lengths of the other sides.

2. For the pair of triangles with side lengths 4, 12, 20 and 5, 15, 25, you can set up a proportion:

4 / 5 = 12 / x = 20 / y

Solve for x and y to find the corresponding lengths of the other sides.

3. Assuming triangle XYZ is similar to triangle RPN, with X ↔ R and P ↔ Y, three true proportions can be derived:

a. XY / PR = XZ / RN (corresponding sides)
b. YZ / PN = XZ / RN (corresponding sides)
c. XY / PR = YZ / PN (corresponding sides)

4. To prove that if one of two similar triangles is isosceles, the other is also isosceles, you can assume that one triangle is isosceles and show that it implies the other one is also isosceles. Use the definition of isosceles triangle (having two equal sides) and the fact that corresponding sides of similar triangles are proportional.

Please note that the steps provided here are general guidelines for solving these types of questions. The specific calculations may vary depending on the given information and triangle properties.