If a 30-meter pine tree casts a shadow of 30 meter, how far is the tip of the shadow from top of the tree?

Just use Pythagoras ...

x^2 = 30^2+30^2 = 1800
x = √1800 = 30√2


the 30-3--x triangle is similar to the 1-1-√2 right-angled triangle
so x = 30√2

To find the distance from the tip of the shadow to the top of the tree, we can use similar triangles.

Let's define:
Height of the pine tree = h (unknown)
Length of the shadow = s = 30 meters

Based on the given information, we have a right triangle formed by the tree, its shadow, and the distance from the tip of the shadow to the top of the tree.

We can set up the following proportion using the similar triangles:

h / s = (h + 30) / 30

Cross-multiplying, we get:

30h = (h + 30) * s

Expanding further:

30h = hs + 30s

Rearranging the equation:

30h - hs = 30s

Factoring out 'h' on the left side:

h(30 - s) = 30s

Dividing both sides of the equation by (30 - s):

h = (30s) / (30 - s)

Substituting s = 30, we get:

h = (30 * 30) / (30 - 30)

However, the denominator (30 - 30) is equal to zero, which results in an undefined value. Therefore, it is not possible for a 30-meter pine tree to cast a 30-meter shadow.

To find the distance between the tip of the shadow and the top of the tree, we need to use similar triangles. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. First, draw a diagram representing the situation. Make a triangle with a vertical line to represent the tree, and a diagonal line to represent the shadow. Label the height of the tree as 30 meters and the length of the shadow as 30 meters.

2. Since the tree and its shadow are both straight lines, we can consider them as two sides of two similar triangles. The ratios of corresponding sides of similar triangles are equal.

3. Let's use the letters T, S, and H to represent the top of the tree, the tip of the shadow, and the point where the shadow meets the ground, respectively. Also, let's assume x represents the distance between the tip of the shadow and the top of the tree.

4. We have two similar triangles: TSH and TSH', where H' represents the point on the ground directly underneath the top of the tree.

5. In triangle TSH, the height (TS) is 30 meters, and the length of the shadow (TH) is also 30 meters.

6. In triangle TSH', the height (TS') is x meters, and the length of the shadow (TH') is 30 meters. We're looking for the value of x.

7. Since the two triangles are similar, we can write the following proportion: TS/TH = TS'/TH'.

8. Substituting the known values into the proportion, we have 30/30 = x/30.

9. Simplifying the proportion, we get 1 = x/30.

10. Cross-multiplying the proportion, we have x = 30.

Therefore, the distance between the tip of the shadow and the top of the tree is 30 meters.