In the following two questions, identify which choices would be considered inferential statistics and which would be considered inferential statistics.

1. of 500 randomly selected people in new york city, 210 people had O+ blood.
a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

2. On the last three Friday evening, City hospital diagnosed a number of heroin overdoses. There were four on 1/14/20xx, two on 1/21/20xx, and six on 1/28/20xx.

a) "City Hospital averaged four herion overdoses in their ER for the last three Firday evenings"

b) "City Hospital never has more than six herion overdoses on Friday evenings"

c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for herion overdoses at City Hospital"
Answer this Question

of 500 randomly selected people in new york city, 210 people had O+ blood.

a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" Is the statement descriptive statistics or inferential statistics?

1.a descriptive

b inferential
c inferential
d inferential
2.a descriptive
b. descriptive
c. inferential
d. inferential

1. a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood" is considered a descriptive statistic because it presents a specific percentage based on the observed data of 500 randomly selected people.

b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood" is considered an inferential statistic because it extends beyond the observed data and makes an inference about the larger population in NYC based on the sample data.

c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood" is considered an inferential statistic because it makes an inference about the entire population of NY state based on the sample data from NYC.

2. a) "City Hospital averaged four heroin overdoses in their ER for the last three Friday evenings" is considered a descriptive statistic because it presents the average number of heroin overdoses based on the observed data from the last three Friday evenings.

b) "City Hospital never has more than six heroin overdoses on Friday evenings" is considered an inferential statistic because it extends beyond the observed data and makes an inference about the maximum number of heroin overdoses on Friday evenings at the hospital.

c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital" is considered a descriptive statistic because it presents a conclusion based on the observed data from the last three Friday evenings at the hospital.

To identify whether a statement is descriptive or inferential statistics, we need to understand the difference between the two.

Descriptive statistics summarizes and describes the data that is collected. It is concerned with the organization, presentation, and analysis of data in order to provide meaningful information. Descriptive statistics aims to describe the characteristics of a population or sample.

Inferential statistics, on the other hand, draws conclusions or makes predictions about a population based on data collected from a sample. It involves making inferences or generalizations about a larger group, using the information obtained from a smaller subgroup.

Now, let's analyze each statement and determine whether they are descriptive or inferential statistics.

1a) "42 percent of the people in NYC have O+ blood."
This statement is descriptive statistics because it directly presents the proportion of people in NYC with O+ blood. It summarizes the data without making any inferences about a larger population.

1b) "58 percent of the people in NYC do not have type O+ blood."
This statement is also descriptive statistics. It provides the proportion of people in NYC who do not have O+ blood. It doesn't make any inferences about a larger population.

1c) "42 percent of all people living in NY state have type O+ blood."
This statement is inferential statistics because it generalizes the proportion of people with O+ blood from the sample (500 people in NYC) to the entire population of New York state. It draws conclusions about a larger group based on the data obtained from a smaller subgroup.

2a) "City Hospital averaged four heroin overdoses in their ER for the last three Firday evenings."
This statement is descriptive statistics because it presents the average number of heroin overdoses in City Hospital's ER for the past three Friday evenings. It summarizes the data without making any inferences.

2b) "City Hospital never has more than six heroin overdoses on Friday evenings."
This statement is descriptive statistics as it states an observation about the maximum number of heroin overdoses at City Hospital on Friday evenings. It describes a specific situation without generalizing to a larger population.

2c) "Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital."
This statement is inferential statistics because it generalizes the observation that Friday nights are the busiest time for heroin overdoses at City Hospital. It draws a conclusion about a larger group based on the data obtained from a specific time period.

In summary:
- Descriptive statistics summarizes and describes the data directly.
- Inferential statistics draws conclusions or makes predictions about a larger population based on data collected from a sample.