A student downloaded seven music files to a portable MP3 player. In how many different orders can the songs be played?

What is 7! ?

The permutataion of 7 the arrangement number of the seven music files would be 7*5*4*3*2*1=

To find the number of different orders in which the songs can be played, we need to calculate the factorial of the number of songs. The factorial of a number is the product of that number and all positive integers smaller than it.

In this case, the student has downloaded 7 songs. So, we need to find the factorial of 7, denoted as 7!.

7! = 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 5,040

Therefore, there are 5,040 different orders in which the songs can be played.