Natural rubidium has an average mass of 85.4678 amu and is composed of isotopes

85Rb (mass = 84.9117 amu) and 87Rb. The ratio of the isotopes 85Rb/87Rb in natural rubidium is 2.591. What is the mass of 87Rb?

Let x be the fraction of the Rb atoms that are Rb85. x/2.591 is the fraction that are Rb87

x + x/2.591 = 1
1.38595 x = 1
x = 0.7215 = fraction that is Rb85
1-x = 0.2784 = fraction that is Rb87
Avg mass = 85.4678 = (0.7215)(84.9117) + (0.2784)M87
Solve for M87

To find the mass of 87Rb, we can rearrange the equation:

Avg mass = (fraction of Rb85) * (mass of 85Rb) + (fraction of Rb87) * (mass of 87Rb)

Given that the average mass is 85.4678 amu, the mass of 85Rb is 84.9117 amu, and the ratio of the isotopes 85Rb/87Rb is 2.591, we can substitute these values into the equation:

85.4678 = (0.7215) * (84.9117) + (0.2784) * M87

Now, we can solve for M87:

85.4678 - (0.7215) * (84.9117) = (0.2784) * M87

M87 = (85.4678 - (0.7215) * (84.9117)) / (0.2784)

M87 = 86.9064 amu

Therefore, the mass of 87Rb is approximately 86.9064 amu.

To find the mass of 87Rb (M87), we can use the equation provided:

Average mass = (0.7215)(84.9117) + (0.2784)M87

Substituting the values, we get:

85.4678 = (0.7215)(84.9117) + (0.2784)M87

Now, let's solve for M87:

85.4678 - (0.7215)(84.9117) = (0.2784)M87

76.5647645 = (0.2784)M87

Dividing both sides by 0.2784:

M87 ≈ 76.5647645 / 0.2784

M87 ≈ 275.403 amu

So, the mass of 87Rb is approximately 275.403 amu.

M87 = 86.94 amu

not a very good answer... I'm sure the person asking the question is looking for an answer that applies to every question, and not only to this one.