Which of the following relationship is NOTan example of the checks and balances built into the Constitution?

A. Supreme court decision can be overturned by an amendment to the Constitution.
B A presidential veto can be overturned by a supermajority of congress.
C. House committee decisions can be overturned on the floor of the House by a majority vote.
D. Presidential use of the military is limited by the appropiations power of congress.

The Answer is A.

I agree.


You're welcome.

To determine which of the relationships is not an example of the checks and balances built into the Constitution, we need to understand what checks and balances are.

Checks and balances refer to the system of powers and restraints that exist among the three branches of the U.S. government: the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. These checks and balances are designed to ensure that no single branch becomes too powerful and to prevent the abuse of power.

Let's go through the options:

A. Supreme court decision can be overturned by an amendment to the Constitution: This relationship demonstrates checks and balances, as it shows that the legislative branch has the power to amend the Constitution, which can then affect and overturn decisions made by the judicial branch.

B. A presidential veto can be overturned by a supermajority of congress: This relationship also embodies checks and balances. It illustrates that the legislative branch has the power to override a presidential veto with a supermajority vote, ensuring that the executive branch does not have unchecked veto power.

C. House committee decisions can be overturned on the floor of the House by a majority vote: This relationship exemplifies checks and balances. It demonstrates that within the legislative branch, decisions made by committees can be challenged and overturned by a majority vote on the floor of the House, ensuring that the committee's power is not absolute.

D. Presidential use of the military is limited by the appropriations power of Congress: This relationship also reflects checks and balances. It shows that the legislative branch, specifically Congress, holds the power of the purse, as they have the authority to allocate funds for the military. This limitation ensures that the executive branch cannot unilaterally use the military without the necessary financial support.

Therefore, based on our analysis, the relationship that does NOT illustrate checks and balances is:

A. Supreme court decision can be overturned by an amendment to the Constitution: This relationship does not represent checks and balances because it implies that the judicial branch's decisions can be overturned directly through the amendment process, bypassing the checks and balances between the branches.

Hence, the correct answer is A.