Select all the statements that can be used as steps to solve the equation 6[4(2x−1)]=80−8.

Subtract 8 from 80.

Combine 80 and 6.

Multiply 2x and -1 by 4.

Subtract 1 from both sides of the equation.

Add 4 to both sides of the equation.

Subtract 6 from both sides of the equation.

Subtract 8 from 80

Multiply 2x and -1 by 4
Add 4 to both sides of the equation

To solve the equation 6[4(2x−1)]=80−8, we can use the following steps:

1. Multiply 2x and -1 by 4: 4(2x−1) = 8x - 4.
2. Simplify the expression inside the square brackets: 6(8x - 4) = 80 - 8.
3. Distribute 6 to both terms inside the parentheses: 48x - 24 = 80 - 8.
4. Combine like terms on both sides: 48x - 24 = 72.
5. Add 24 to both sides of the equation: 48x = 96.
6. Divide both sides by 48: x = 2.

Based on these steps, the statements that can be used to solve the equation are:

- Multiply 2x and -1 by 4.
- Simplify the expression inside the square brackets.
- Distribute 6 to both terms inside the parentheses.
- Combine like terms on both sides.
- Add 24 to both sides of the equation.
- Divide both sides by 48.

Therefore, the correct statements to solve the equation are:

Multiply 2x and -1 by 4.
Simplify the expression inside the square brackets.
Distribute 6 to both terms inside the parentheses.
Combine like terms on both sides.
Add 24 to both sides of the equation.