What does this comparison tell you?

A gull patrolling between the wave crests of the desolate sea will dip to catch a fish, and douse his wings; no higher above the whitecaps Hermes flew

I got it thank you very much :)

You're welcome.

This comparison can be interpreted as illustrating the swift and graceful flight of Hermes, the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology, in relation to a gull patrolling over the desolate sea.

To better understand the comparison, let's break it down:

"A gull patrolling between the wave crests of the desolate sea will dip to catch a fish, and douse his wings": This part describes how a gull flies low over the sea, skimming the wave crests to catch fish. When the gull catches a fish, it dips down and briefly gets its wings wet.

"No higher above the whitecaps Hermes flew": This part emphasizes the incredible speed and agility of Hermes' flight, implying that even though the gull flies low and gracefully, it still cannot reach the height at which Hermes soars above the whitecaps (the white foam on the top of the waves).

Overall, this comparison highlights Hermes' extraordinary flight capabilities by contrasting it with the more limited flight of a gull. It suggests that Hermes' flight is exceptional, swift, and superior, as he effortlessly glides high above the waves while carrying out his divine duties.

How high above the surface of the ocean was the gull flying?

Now read the part after the semicolon.

Let us know what you think.