tides are caused by the force of inertia from the sun and moon acting on Earth.

true or false




The answer is true


Tides are primarily caused by the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun on the Earth. The Moon's gravitational pull has a greater influence on tides due to its proximity to Earth. When the Moon is directly overhead or on the opposite side of the Earth, it creates a bulge of water on the Earth's surface, leading to high tides. These are known as tidal bulges. At the same time, there are low tides in areas perpendicular to the tidal bulges.

The Sun also contributes to the formation of tides, but its effect is relatively smaller compared to the Moon. When the gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun align, the combined effect leads to higher high tides known as spring tides. When the gravitational forces oppose each other, they partially cancel out, resulting in lower high tides known as neap tides.

Inertia does play a role in the motion of tides, but it is not the primary factor causing them. The inertia of water in the oceans helps to sustain and propagate the tidal wave as the Earth rotates.

To summarize, tides are primarily caused by gravitational forces from the Moon and the Sun, with the moon having a more prominent impact due to its proximity to Earth. Inertia plays a role in the motion of tides, but it is not the force causing them.


False, its gravity not inertia