In the sentence

They are not nuts.

They is the subject
Are is the verb
What is the predicate word?

Please use the correct terminology. I assume you're looking for a predicate noun or predicate adjective.

What do you think the predicate noun is?

The directions say preficate word.

I think not?

No. Not is an adverb.

The predicate noun is "nuts."

The directions should use correct terminology. A Google search for predicate word yields nothing. A Google search for predicate noun or adjective or subject complement shows many grammar pages.

To identify the predicate word in a sentence, you need to understand the structure of the sentence. The predicate is the part of the sentence that contains the verb and provides information about the subject. In this case, the subject is "They" and the verb is "are."

The predicate word in the sentence "They are not nuts" is "not." The word "not" is part of the predicate since it modifies the verb "are" and provides additional information about the subject. In this case, it negates the noun "nuts," indicating that the subject is not nuts.

To determine the predicate word, it's important to recognize the verb and any modifiers or complements it has. In this example, the predicate consists of the verb "are" along with the modifier "not."