Find the coordinates of the quadrilateral abcd after a dilation with a scale factor of 2.

a(2,0), B(2,2), C(5,2), D(5,0)

To find the coordinates of the quadrilateral ABCD after a dilation with a scale factor of 2, you need to multiply the x and y coordinates of each point by the scale factor.

Let's start with point A(2,0). The dilation will double the distance between this point and the origin. So, we multiply the x-coordinate (2) by 2, and the y-coordinate (0) by 2: A'(4,0).

Next, point B(2,2). Similarly, we multiply the x-coordinate (2) by 2, and the y-coordinate (2) by 2: B'(4,4).

For point C(5,2), the x-coordinate (5) gets multiplied by 2, and the y-coordinate (2) gets multiplied by 2: C'(10,4).

Finally, point D(5,0). The x-coordinate (5) is multiplied by 2, and the y-coordinate (0) is multiplied by 2: D'(10,0).

Therefore, after a dilation with a scale factor of 2, the new coordinates for the quadrilateral ABCD are: A'(4,0), B'(4,4), C'(10,4), D'(10,0).