Draw the compound that would produce 4-ethyl-3-hexanol in the presence of a nickel catalyst and hydrogen.

To draw the compound that would produce 4-ethyl-3-hexanol in the presence of a nickel catalyst and hydrogen, we need to start with the precursors involved in the reaction.

First, we have "ethyl," which refers to an ethyl group, denoted as:


Next, we have "hexanol," which indicates a six-carbon alcohol. Since we specifically want 4-ethyl-3-hexanol, we need to account for the ethyl group on the fourth carbon and the hydroxyl group on the third carbon of the hexanol chain.

The basic structure of hexanol is:


Now, to incorporate the ethyl group on the fourth carbon, we add the ethyl group "CH3CH2-" to the fourth carbon of the hexanol chain. The final compound would look like this:


This is the compound that would be produced when the reactant undergoes hydrogenation in the presence of a nickel catalyst and hydrogen.
