identify an integer x for which 2x/5 represents a ratio greater that 2:1 but less than 3:1

I really need help with this problem! Thanks so much!


To find an integer value of x for which 2x/5 represents a ratio greater than 2:1 but less than 3:1, we need to determine the range of values that satisfy these conditions.

First, let's set up the inequality for the given ratios:

2:1 < 2x/5 < 3:1

Next, let's convert the ratios to fractions:

2/1 < 2x/5 < 3/1

Simplifying the fractions:

2 < (2x/5) < 3

To get rid of the fraction, we can multiply all three sides of the inequality by 5:

5 * 2 < 5 * (2x/5) < 5 * 3

10 < 2x < 15

Now, let's solve the inequality:

10 < 2x < 15

Divide all sides of the inequality by 2:

10/2 < (2x/2) < 15/2

5 < x < 7.5

Since we're looking for an integer value of x, we can conclude that the possible values for x are 6 and 7. Any integer value of x within this range will satisfy the conditions, making 6 and 7 the suitable answers.