Janice and Patricia each want to buy a new DVD player. They go to the Hot Electronics and find a DVD player for $75. Hot Electronics offers a different payment plan. Janice is going to pay $15 now, and then $7.50 per month. Patricia is going to pay $12.50 per month

How much will Janice and Patricia pay for each month?

Janice's payment
1st month $15.00
2nd month $22.50

Patricia's payment
1st month $12.50
2nd month $25.00

To calculate the monthly payments for Janice and Patricia, we need to add the initial payment to the monthly installment for each of them.

Janice's payment:
Initial payment: $15.00
Monthly installment: $7.50
Total payment for the 1st month: $15.00 + $7.50 = $22.50
Total payment for the 2nd month: $15.00 + 2 * $7.50 = $15.00 + $15.00 = $30.00

Patricia's payment:
Initial payment: $0.00
Monthly installment: $12.50
Total payment for the 1st month: $0.00 + $12.50 = $12.50
Total payment for the 2nd month: $0.00 + 2 * $12.50 = $0.00 + $25.00 = $25.00

So, Janice will pay $22.50 for the 1st month and $30.00 for the 2nd month.
And Patricia will pay $12.50 for the 1st month and $25.00 for the 2nd month.