How would you respond in the following situations?

1. Your friend drove you to a party and then she had four drinks. She says she will never speak to you again if you do not ride home with her.

A: I would respond by taking the key to her vehicle and then, since she demanded that I must return with her, insist that I should drive?

2. Joaquin drive Roy to an outdoor concert. Roy brought wine. Joaquin, against her better judgment, had about tow glasses of it. Now he realizes he cannot safely drive home. Roy insists that Joaquin drive him home. Joaquin's parents are strict, and he will be in serious trouble if he is late or if her calls his parents for a ride and they find out he's been drinking. If Joaquin asked you for advice, what would you say?

A: I would advise that Joaquin should either take responsibility for his own actions and contact his parents to provide transportation for both Joaquin and Roy, or contact a taxi or cab service?

3. Assume that you are a party where everyone else is drinking. When you refuse several drinks, the people at the party start teasing you and will not drop the subject. How would you respond?

A: I would respond by leaving the party and the current situation?

4. Rosie is on a date with Tom. They attended a party and Tom has several drinks. Rosie is afraid to let Tom drive her home, but he insists. What should Rosie do?

A: Rosie should either use refusal skills and contact her parents for transportation, or be honest with Tom, telling him that she is not comfortable with him driving, and insist that she should drive instead?

Great answers!

1. In this situation, if your friend is insisting on driving even though they've had too much to drink, it is important to prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road. You can respond by expressing your concern for their well-being and firmly refusing to ride with them. You can explain that it's important to make responsible decisions and not put yourself at risk by riding with an intoxicated driver. Offer to help them find an alternative mode of transportation, such as calling a taxi or using a ridesharing service.

2. If Joaquin asks for advice in this situation, it is crucial to prioritize safety and responsible decision-making. Advising Joaquin to drive while under the influence of alcohol is not safe and could have serious consequences. Instead, suggest that Joaquin looks for alternative options, such as contacting a ridesharing service, a taxi, or public transportation. If calling his parents is a concern, he should consider having an open and honest conversation with them about the situation, emphasizing the importance of safety and responsibility.

3. If you are in a situation where people are teasing you for not drinking, it can be challenging. However, it's important to stay true to your own values and make decisions that are in line with your personal beliefs. In this case, you can respond by calmly and confidently explaining your reasons for not drinking. You can emphasize that everyone has different choices and preferences, and it's important to respect those differences. If the teasing persists and makes you uncomfortable, it may be best to remove yourself from the situation and find a more supportive environment.

4. In this situation, Rosie should prioritize her safety over satisfying Tom's insistence. It is important for her to trust her instincts and not allow herself to be coerced into getting in the car with an intoxicated driver. Rosie should communicate her concerns to Tom and express that she does not feel comfortable with him driving. Offer to help find alternative transportation options, such as calling a taxi or using a ridesharing service. It is essential to prioritize safety and make responsible decisions, even if it means potentially upsetting the other person involved.