Audrey bought 7 pounds of diced apples and shared them equally among 4 friends. How many pounds of apples did each person receive? Two of the friends put the portions they received together and then gave them to the food pantry. How many pounds of apples did they give to the food pantry? Audrey used 1 2/3 of the apples the two friends gave to the food pantry to make apple sauce and the remaining to make apple pies. How many pounds of apples did Audrey use to make apple pies?

each of the friends gets 7/4 lbs or 1.75 lbs

two of those combined is 2(1.75) or 3.5 lbs go to the food pantry.

Audrey used 1 2/3 of the food pantry apples to make apple pies
she used (5/3)of 3.5 or (5/3)(14/4)
= 35/6 lbs
or appr 5.83 lbs

the answer is 7/4= 1 3/4

That would be 35/6 Lbs

.... probably about 5.84 pounds

To find out how many pounds of apples each person received, we can divide the total pounds of diced apples (7 pounds) by the number of friends (4).

7 pounds ÷ 4 friends = 1.75 pounds

So, each person received 1.75 pounds of apples.

Now, to find out how many pounds of apples the two friends gave to the food pantry, we need to calculate the sum of the portions they gave together. Since each person received 1.75 pounds of apples, the two friends combined would have given:

2 friends × 1.75 pounds/friend = 3.5 pounds

Therefore, they gave 3.5 pounds of apples to the food pantry.

Now, let's determine how many pounds of apples Audrey used to make apple pies. We know that Audrey used 1 2/3 (or 5/3) of the apples the two friends gave to the food pantry for apple sauce. Therefore, the remaining apples would be used for apple pies.

To calculate this, we subtract the amount used for apple sauce from the total amount given to the food pantry:

3.5 pounds - 5/3 pounds = (3.5 * 3 - 5) / 3 = 10.5 / 3 = 3.5 pounds

Hence, Audrey used 3.5 pounds of apples to make apple pies.



Audrey bought 7 pounds of diced apples and shared them equally among 4 friends.How many pounds of apples did each person receive.


