The produce manager receives 5 containers of green beans, each weighing 7 pounds. She divides the total amount of green beans into 3 equal weight portions. What is the weight of the beans in each portion?

(5 * 7) / 3 = ?


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To find the weight of the beans in each portion, we first need to determine the total weight of the green beans.

The produce manager received 5 containers of green beans, and each container weighs 7 pounds. Therefore, the total weight of the green beans is 5 containers multiplied by 7 pounds per container, which equals 35 pounds.

Next, we need to divide this total weight into 3 equal portions. To do this, we divide the total weight by the number of portions, which is 3.

35 pounds รท 3 portions = 11.67 pounds

So, the weight of the beans in each portion is approximately 11.67 pounds.