1. Vamos a jugar hockey.

No puedo. ¡La última vez que jugué, rompí el ________!
A. palo
B. bate
C. campeón
D. partido
I said A

2. Mamá, ¿_________ dónde están mis patines?
Creo que están en el guardarropa de tu cuarto.
A. saben
B. sabemos
C. saber
D. sabes
I said C

3. Vamos a jugar ajedrez.
No puedo. No ______ jugar.
A. sabemos
B. sé
C. hago
D. pido
I said C

4. ¿Qué ______ tú esta mañana?
Me levanté, me bañé y me cepillé los dientes.
A. pudiste
B. tuviste
C. fuiste
D. hiciste
I said D

5. ¿Cómo estuvo la fiesta de disfrances anoche?
Me aburrí mucho. Sólo vimos ____________.
A. música clásica
B. videos musicales
C. las damas
D. los esquíes
I have no idea for this one

6. ¿Te gusta hacer rompecabezas?
¡No! Hacer rompecabezas no es mi ______ favorita.
A. liga
B. crucigrama
C. diversión
D. campeona
I said B

7. ¿Es de tu hermano esa bicicleta?
Sí, él me la __________.
A. prestó
B. soportó
C. empató
D. perdió
I said D

8. ¿Fueron Paula y Marta al partido de hockey?
No pudieron ir porque ________.
A. se bañaron temprano
B. no se peinaron
C. se secaron bien el pelo
D. se levantaron tarde
I said D

9. ¿Qué hicieron Uds. ayer?
Yo ______ un crucigrama y Roberta hizo un rompecabezas.
A. hizo
B. hice
C. hicieron
D. hago
I said B

10. De pequeñó, ¿dónde jugabas?
Jugaba en __________.
A. la muñeca
B. el pez
C. la cuerda
D. el patio de recreo
I said D

11. De pequeña, ¿eras traviesa?
No, era muy _____________.
A. consentida
B. desobediente
C. bien educada
D. mala
I think this one is B

12. ¿ Para qué deportes se necesita un balón?
A. el fútbol, el básquetbol y el hockey
B. el tenis, el béisbol y el golf
C. el fútbol, el básquetbol y el fútbol americano
D. el fútbol, los bolos y el golf
I think the answer is c , but it could be B or D as well

I'll send this to SraJMcGin, our Spanish expert.

1 B

2 D
3 B
4 D
5 B
6 c
7 A
8 D
9 B
10 D
11 C
12 C

#1. OK For karoaly = B is a baseball bat.

#2. The comma after Mamá means that you are speaking TO her so you need either Usted (in some families) or tú = D

#3. I don't know how to play = B

#4. OK

#5. "disfrances" is misspelled. It is no doubt "disfraces" = costumes. Probably B = musical videos, at least it had to be something someone SAW.

#6. riddles or puzzles do not HAVE to be crossword puzzles. Therefore, C. "fun" and because of the adjective, the noun must be feminine. "crucigrama" is masculine.

#7. A. He loaned it to me.

#8. OK

#9. OK

#10. OK

#11. C = brought up well. traviesa means about the same thing as desobediente

#12. "balón" tells you the size/type of ball so it's definitely football, etc . = C

I'll flag this one as well and come back later to see if you still have questions.


1. The correct answer is A. In the given sentence, the speaker is talking about breaking something while playing hockey. In hockey, a "palo" (stick) is used, so the correct word to fill in the blank is "palo."

2. The correct answer is D. The speaker is addressing their mother and asking about the location of their skates. The verb "saber" (to know) should be conjugated in the second person singular form, which is "sabes."

3. The correct answer is A. The speaker is expressing their inability to play chess. The verb "saber" should be conjugated in the first person plural form, which is "sabemos."

4. The correct answer is D. The question is asking about the speaker's activities in the morning. The verb "hacer" (to do) is the most appropriate choice among the given options, and it should be conjugated in the second person singular form, which is "hiciste."

5. The correct answer is B. The speaker is expressing their boredom at the costume party. Among the given options, "videos musicales" (music videos) is more coherent with the context of a party.

6. The correct answer is C. The speaker is stating that doing puzzles is not their favorite form of entertainment. Among the given options, "diversión" (fun) is the most appropriate choice.

7. The correct answer is A. The question asks about the ownership of a bicycle, and the speaker confirms that it was lent to them. The correct verb is "prestar" (to lend), indicating that the bike was loaned to the speaker.

8. The correct answer is D. The question asks why Paula and Marta couldn't attend the hockey game. The correct answer is "se levantaron tarde" (they woke up late), indicating that they couldn't make it to the game due to waking up late.

9. The correct answer is B. The speaker describes their and Roberta's activities from the previous day. The verb "hacer" should be conjugated in the first person singular form, which is "hice."

10. The correct answer is D. The question asks about the location of the speaker's childhood playtime. Among the given options, "el patio de recreo" (the playground) is the most appropriate choice.

11. The correct answer is C. The speaker denies being mischievous and states that they were very well-behaved. Among the given options, "bien educada" (well-behaved) is the most appropriate choice.

12. The correct answer is A. The question asks which sports require a ball. In this case, "el fútbol, el básquetbol y el hockey" (soccer, basketball, and hockey) are the sports that involve a ball.