Use the following dates to compute the ALOS and median LOS and range. The discharge date is July 2nd (non-leap year). Round the ALOS to one decimal place.

Admission Date LOS

1-2 January = 29; February = 28; March = 31; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 181

1-10 January = 21; February = 28; March = 31; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 173

2-8 February = 20; March = 31; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 144

2-10 February = 18; March = 31; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 142

2-26 February = 2; March = 31; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 126

3-1 March = 30; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 123

3-6 March = 25; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 118

3-12 March = 19; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 112

3-15 March = 16; April = 30; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 109

4-1 April = 29; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 92

4-15 April = 15; May = 31; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 78

5-3 May = 28; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 60

5-5 May = 26; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 58

5-6 May = 25; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 57

5-18 May = 13; June = 30; July = 2; Total = 45

6-17 June = 13; July = 2; Total = 15

6-29 June = 1; July = 2; Total = 3

7-1 July 2; Total = 1

Okay I need help with this I want to make sure If I am doing this right or not. This is statistics for healthcare.

I calculated the median as 109+92=201/2=100.5
I am confused on how I go about figuring out the ALOS (average length of stay) for this problem. Can anyone help me figure this out. I would appreciate it. Thank you.

You're right.

The total LOS divided by the number of patients discharge is the average length of stay (ALOS).

Okay so my total is 1637 divided by 18 patients is it? 1637/18=90.9 round that off to one decimal place =91.0 days is that correct??

I confuse myself with all of this. Thanks so much for your help Kuai!

Rainfall Data

Month Rainfall (cm)
January 4.3
February 3.9
March 4.0
April 5.0
May 2.9
June 3.2
July 1.9
August 2.0
September 3.7
October 3.8
November 4.2
December 4.9

What is the mode of the data in the rainfall table?
A 3.653.65
B 3.13.1
C no modeno mode
D 5.05.0
E 3.7

C, no mode.

To calculate the Average Length of Stay (ALOS), you need to sum up the Length of Stay (LOS) for each admission and then divide it by the total number of admissions.

Here's how you can calculate the ALOS using the given data:

1) Sum up the LOS for each admission:
Total LOS = 181 + 173 + 144 + 142 + 126 + 123 + 118 + 112 + 109 + 92 + 78 + 60 + 58 + 57 + 45 + 15 + 3 + 1
= 1828

2) Count the total number of admissions:
Total Admissions = 18

3) Divide the total LOS by the total number of admissions to get the ALOS:
ALOS = Total LOS / Total Admissions = 1828 / 18 = 101.6 (rounded to one decimal place)

So, the ALOS for the given data is 101.6 (rounded to one decimal place).

Now let's calculate the Median Length of Stay and the Range:

Median LOS:
To find the median, arrange the individual lengths of stay in ascending order and locate the middle value. In this case, we have 18 admissions, so the middle value will be the 9th observation.

Arranging the LOS values in ascending order:
1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 30, 30, 31, 31

The 9th observation is 20, so the Median Length of Stay is 20.

The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the dataset.

The minimum LOS is 1, and the maximum LOS is 31, so the Range is 31 - 1 = 30.

Therefore, the Median LOS is 20, and the Range is 30.