Which do you think best describes the word Feudalism??

a system designed to increase the power of lords rather than vassals


a reciprocal personal economic and political relationship between lords, vassals and peasants

Probably the first one, although there's some truth to the second one, too.

"A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture."

To determine which description best describes the word "Feudalism," we can break down the two options and analyze each one:

1. "A system designed to increase the power of lords rather than vassals": This description suggests that Feudalism was primarily a system intended to consolidate power in the hands of the lords, who were the ruling class, rather than empowering the vassals or lower-ranking nobles. This perspective sees Feudalism as a hierarchical structure that aimed to ensure the dominance of the ruling elite.

2. "A reciprocal personal economic and political relationship between lords, vassals, and peasants": This description highlights the interconnected nature of Feudalism, emphasizing the economic and political interactions between the various classes within the system – the lords, vassals, and peasants. It suggests that Feudalism was based on the exchange of resources, services, and loyalty, forming a complex web of relationships.

It's important to note that Feudalism was a complex social, political, and economic system that varied across different regions and time periods. Therefore, a single succinct description might not capture all its nuances. However, considering the two options presented, the second description appears to provide a broader and more comprehensive understanding of Feudalism by emphasizing the interdependence of the different social classes involved.

To make an informed decision, further research in history books, scholarly articles, or discussions with experts can provide a more detailed and nuanced understanding of the topic.