Need help on the question below.

A pool has a diameter of 12 ft. There is a sidewalk that extends 3 ft out from the side of the pool. How many feet of fencing will be needed to go around the sidewalk?

You need fencing to go around a circle with a diameter of 18 feet.

C = 3.14 * 18

C = ?

A pool company will install a round swimming pool in the middle of a yard that measures 40 ft. by 20 ft. If the pool is 12 ft. in diameter, how much of the yard will still be available? :

To calculate the amount of fencing needed to go around the sidewalk, you need to find the perimeter of the circular pool, including the sidewalk. Here's how you can do it step-by-step:

1. Calculate the radius of the pool by dividing the diameter by 2:
Radius = Diameter / 2
Radius = 12 ft / 2
Radius = 6 ft

2. Calculate the circumference of the pool using the formula:
Circumference = 2 * π * Radius
Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 6 ft
Circumference ≈ 37.68 ft

3. Find the overall diameter of the pool, including the sidewalk:
Overall diameter = Pool diameter + 2 * Sidewalk width
Overall diameter = 12 ft + 2 * 3 ft
Overall diameter = 12 ft + 6 ft
Overall diameter = 18 ft

4. Calculate the radius of the overall diameter by dividing it by 2:
Overall radius = Overall diameter / 2
Overall radius = 18 ft / 2
Overall radius = 9 ft

5. Calculate the circumference of the overall diameter:
Overall circumference = 2 * π * Overall radius
Overall circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 9 ft
Overall circumference ≈ 56.52 ft

6. Finally, to determine the amount of fencing needed, subtract the circumference of the pool from the overall circumference:
Fencing needed = Overall circumference - Pool circumference
Fencing needed = 56.52 ft - 37.68 ft
Fencing needed ≈ 18.84 ft

Therefore, approximately 18.84 feet of fencing will be needed to go around the sidewalk.

To find the amount of fencing needed to go around the sidewalk, you would need to calculate the perimeter of the pool and the sidewalk combined.

First, let's calculate the circumference of the pool. The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = πd, where C represents the circumference and d represents the diameter. In this case, since we have the diameter (12 ft), we can substitute it into the formula:

C = πd = π * 12 ft = 37.7 ft (approx.)

The pool's circumference is approximately 37.7 ft.

To find the total perimeter of the sidewalk and the pool, we need to add the sidewalk's length to the pool's circumference. Since the sidewalk extends 3 ft out from each side of the pool, we would add 3 ft twice (once for each side).

Total perimeter = Pool circumference + 2 * Sidewalk length
= 37.7 ft + 2 * 3 ft
= 37.7 ft + 6 ft
= 43.7 ft (approx.)

Therefore, approximately 43.7 ft of fencing will be needed to go around the pool and the sidewalk.