THE SCALE OF A MAP IS 0.5 IN :25MI THE ACTUAL distance between two cities is 725mi write a proportion that represents the relationship how far apart will the cities be on the map

0.5/25 = x/725

To find how far apart the cities will be on the map, we can set up a proportion based on the scale given.

The given scale is 0.5 inches per 25 miles. We can write this as:

0.5 inches / 25 miles

Let's call the distance on the map "x inches" and the actual distance between the cities "725 miles". The proportion can be set up as follows:

0.5 inches / 25 miles = x inches / 725 miles

Now, we can cross-multiply to solve for x:

25 miles * x inches = 0.5 inches * 725 miles

25x = 362.5

Finally, divide both sides by 25 to solve for x:

x = 362.5 / 25

x = 14.5

So, the cities will be approximately 14.5 inches apart on the map.