role does the agenda play in a webinar gives the attendees the information they need to access the webinar introduces new policies and procedures to empployees reminds the administrative professional what his or her duties are lets all the attendees know what will be covered
my answer is a

someone please help thanks


Are you clear on what the word "agenda" means??

I attended recently a webinar which was supposed to cover a Girl Scout Cookie Sale Management system. No agenda was announced prehand. Then on opening, the faciliatator announced "this will be a question and answer session".

My description of the meeting follows: This was a total waste of a perfectly good two hours, and next time, I wont go unless that person pre-announces an agenda.

Would d be right

The role of an agenda in a webinar is to let all the attendees know what will be covered during the session. It serves as a road map for the webinar, providing a clear outline of the topics, discussions, and activities that will take place.

To determine the correct answer to this question, you need to understand the purpose of an agenda in a webinar. An agenda helps set the expectations for the attendees, informing them about the specific content or information that will be discussed. It allows participants to prepare in advance and tailor their attention to the relevant topics.

Option a, "It gives the attendees the information they need to access the webinar," is not the most accurate answer because the information needed to access the webinar is typically provided separately, such as through registration confirmation or an invitation email.

Option b, "It introduces new policies and procedures to employees," is not directly related to the role of an agenda in a webinar. While a webinar could be used to introduce new policies and procedures, it would go beyond the scope of just the agenda.

Option c, "It reminds the administrative professional what his or her duties are," is unrelated to the role of an agenda in a webinar. An agenda is intended for all attendees, not specific individuals, and its purpose is to guide the overall session, not specifically remind an administrative professional of their duties.

Therefore, the correct answer is d, "It lets all the attendees know what will be covered." The agenda provides a clear structure and outline of the topics and activities that will be covered in the webinar, allowing participants to have a clear understanding of what to expect.