relevant: bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent: A. connotative B. denotative

To determine whether the term "relevant" is connotative or denotative, we need to understand the meanings of these two terms:

1. Connotative: The connotative meaning of a word refers to the subjective or emotional associations that are attached to it. It goes beyond the literal or dictionary definition of the word and includes the cultural or personal interpretations and implications.

2. Denotative: The denotative meaning of a word refers to its literal or dictionary definition. It is the objective and specific meaning that is universally understood.

Now, let's analyze the word "relevant":

"Relevant" is generally understood to mean "bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; pertinent." This definition is the denotative meaning of the word, as it provides a clear and objective understanding of its definition.

However, it is important to note that the term "relevant" can also have connotative associations in certain contexts. For example, if someone describes information as "relevant" in a positive tone, it may connote usefulness or importance. On the other hand, if the same term is used in a negative or dismissive tone, it might connote irrelevance or insignificance.

Therefore, while the denotative meaning of "relevant" is clear and objective, the connotative meaning can vary based on the context and personal interpretation.