Which of the following vertebrates had the chance to become abundant after the dinosaurs became extinct?

a. wolly mammoths
b. amphibians
c. mammals
d. reptiles


Yes C is the correct answer.

The vertebrates that had the chance to become abundant after the dinosaurs became extinct were mammals. To determine the answer to this multiple-choice question, we need to consider the time period after the extinction of dinosaurs, which occurred approximately 65 million years ago.

First, let's eliminate the options that are not applicable. Woolly mammoths were large, tusked mammals that lived during the Ice Age, which occurred much later than the extinction of the dinosaurs. Therefore, option a, woolly mammoths, can be eliminated.

Amphibians are a diverse group of vertebrates that include frogs, toads, and salamanders. While amphibians have existed for millions of years and coexisted with dinosaurs, they did not experience a significant increase in abundance following the extinction of the dinosaurs. Therefore, option b, amphibians, can be eliminated.

Now, we are left with two options: mammals and reptiles. Both groups existed during the time of the dinosaurs, but it was actually the mammals that thrived and diversified after the extinction event. Mammals had the advantage of being small, nimble, and adaptable, which allowed them to occupy ecological niches left vacant by the dinosaurs' extinction. Therefore, the correct answer is option c, mammals.

In summary, after analyzing the options and considering the timeframe, the vertebrates that had the chance to become abundant after the dinosaurs went extinct were mammals.