How many grams of NaCl are present in a 300 grams salt solution containing 9% NaCl ?

Is this 9% w/w? I assume so.

% w/w = (g solute/100 g soln)*100
9 = (g solute/300)*100 = and solve for g solute.


To find the number of grams of NaCl present in a salt solution, multiply the weight of the solution by the percentage of NaCl.

In this case, you have a 300 grams salt solution containing 9% NaCl.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100.
9% = 9/100 = 0.09

Step 2: Multiply the weight of the solution by the decimal representation of the percentage.
300 grams × 0.09 = 27 grams

Therefore, there are 27 grams of NaCl present in the 300 grams salt solution.