1. Explain how the FITT formula can act as a guide when you are developing a fitness program.

A: The FITT formula can act as a guide when you are developing a fitness program as it provides you with an idea of how the structure of a fitness program should be. For example, for exercise to be effective, it must be done for a certain amount of times per week (frequency), intense enough (intensity), and for a considerable amount of time (time). Finally, the kind (type) of exercise is important.

2. Explain the role of health fitness standards in designing a fitness program.

A: The health fitness standards can possess a great impact, or effect, upon the design of a fitness program. For example, a young girl might want to exceed the average amount of push-ups performed by girls or perhaps might want to be able to perform within the push-up range for females of her age group. If either is the case, she would look to the health fitness standards to construct, design, or customize a fitness program according to these standards?

3. How can the FITT formula help you in avoiding a sports injury?

A: The FITT formula can help you avoid a sports injury as it can guide you to know of when you are supposed to perform whatever amount of whatever exercise at a intense yet realistic level. Therefore, by using this formula, it can help you to prevent and avoid sports injuries.

4. Your little sister who has just learned how to ride her bicycle says she no longer wants to wear her bicycle helmet because she "looks like a baby" while wearing it. What can you say to your sister to highlight the importance of wearing her bicycle helmet?

A: I could simply say to her that she could not possibly "look like a baby" by wearing the helmet as it is a symbol of safety and wisdom, as she would be wise to wear it?


5. Would you like more information on any of these topics?

Alternatively, you can explain to your sister the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet by emphasizing that it is a vital safety measure. You can explain that a helmet protects her head in case she falls off her bike and that it can prevent serious injuries or even save her life. Remind her that many professional athletes and experienced cyclists wear helmets to protect themselves, and it's important for everyone, regardless of age, to prioritize safety.