can someone show me how to do this one

two small arrays have been combined to make a big array. what are the dimensions and product of the big array? fill in the equation that shows this big array broken into two small arrays. Square is broken into 10x6 and 10x5


Rock band often stack their speakers in an array. One teen band has 24 speakers they stack them at least 2 high but no taller then 8 high what are all the different arrays they can make

To find the dimensions and product of the big array formed by combining the two small arrays, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the sum of the number of rows from each small array:
The first small array is 10 rows, and the second small array is 10 rows. So, the total number of rows in the big array is 10 + 10 = 20.

Step 2: Determine the maximum number of columns from the two small arrays:
The first small array is 6 columns, and the second small array is 5 columns. Therefore, the maximum number of columns in the big array is 6, as it is larger than 5.

Step 3: Write down the dimensions of the big array:
Based on the calculations, the dimensions of the big array are 20 rows by 6 columns.

Step 4: Find the product of the dimensions:
To find the product, simply multiply the number of rows (20) by the number of columns (6):
Product = 20 rows × 6 columns = 120.

Therefore, the dimensions of the big array are 20 by 6, and the product of the dimensions (total number of elements) is 120.

Equation: The big array can be written or broken into two small arrays as follows:
Big array [20x6] = Small array 1 [10x6] + Small array 2 [10x5]