27b^2/30b^5= 3*9 b^(2-5) /3*10

you take it from there.

I have to find the simple form

To simplify the expression (27b^2)/(30b^5), you can divide the numerator (27b^2) by the denominator (30b^5). Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Divide the numeric coefficients:
27 / 30 = 9/10 (Divide both numbers by their greatest common divisor, which is 3.)

Step 2: Divide the variable with the larger exponent:
b^2 / b^5 = 1 / b^3 (Since b^5 is being divided by b^2, you subtract the exponents, which gives you b^(5-2) = b^3.)

Step 3: Combine the results:
The simplified expression is (9/10) * (1 / b^3), which can also be written as 9/(10b^3).