more reference citations

Write the correct references citations in the body of the text for the following in the present experiment, (Adams, Jim, and Mills, Jack. 2007, World Publishers).

What format or guidelines are you to be using?

or what?


To correctly reference the source mentioned in the question, you should follow the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA. Here is an example of how you can cite the source within the text using APA style: in the present experiment (Adams, Jim, & Mills, Jack, 2007).

In this APA citation, the last names of the authors are listed first, followed by the initials of their first names. The publication date, enclosed in parentheses, should include the year of publication. If you are referencing a book, you should also include the title and the name of the publisher in the reference list at the end of your work.

Here is an example of how you would include it in the reference list:

Adams, J., & Mills, J. (2007). Title of the Book. World Publishers.

Please note that in this example, "Title of the Book" refers to the actual title of the book you are citing. Make sure to replace it with the correct title when citing your source. Additionally, check with your professor, publication guidelines, or required citation style handbook for any specific formatting or punctuation rules.