Dear Lee,

Please confirm these answers to this question.

your medical terminology instructor listed the following grades for the class out of a 75 point test:
a.find the 90th percentile
b. your score was 59, what is your percentile?

a. 69
b. 40th percentile

Thank you

To find the answers to the questions, we need to follow a few steps:

Step 1: Sort the grades in ascending order.
Step 2: Calculate the percentile rank using the formula:
Percentile Rank = (Number of scores below X / Total number of scores) * 100

Let's go through the process:

a. Find the 90th percentile:

1. Sort the grades in ascending order:
33, 34, 43, 45, 45, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 67, 68, 67, 68, 68, 69, 70, 70

2. Calculate the position of the 90th percentile:
The 90th percentile is equal to (90/100) * (Total number of scores), which is (90/100) * 20 = 18.

3. Find the grade at the 18th position:
The grade at the 18th position is 69.

Therefore, the answer to question (a) is 69.

b. Calculate your percentile for a score of 59:

1. Find the position of the score 59 in the sorted list:
The position of the score 59 is 8.

2. Calculate the percentile rank:
Percentile Rank = (Number of scores below 59 / Total number of scores) * 100
Percentile Rank = (8 / 20) * 100
Percentile Rank = 0.4 * 100
Percentile Rank = 40

Therefore, the answer to question (b) is the 40th percentile.

Hope this helps!