All of the following statements about learning are true EXCEPT:

A. Your bedroom is not an ideal place to study.

B. Self discipline is the key to successful studying.

C. Some people can learn while watching TV.

D. Persistence is essential to learning.

i think its B

It's not B.

No response yet??

Rephrase the question like this: "Which of the following statements is NOT true about learning?"

Also, read up on the negatives of "multitasking":

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each statement and determine if it is true or false.

A. Your bedroom is not an ideal place to study. This statement is generally true for most people. Bedrooms are often associated with relaxation and sleep, which can make it difficult to focus and concentrate on studying.

B. Self-discipline is the key to successful studying. This statement is generally true. Self-discipline is an important characteristic that allows individuals to stay motivated, manage time effectively, and maintain focus while studying.

C. Some people can learn while watching TV. This statement is generally true. While it may not be the most efficient way of learning for most people, some individuals are able to absorb information even while being exposed to distractions like watching TV.

D. Persistence is essential to learning. This statement is generally true. Learning can be a challenging process, and persisting through difficulties and setbacks is often necessary to achieve understanding and mastery.

Based on the evaluation of the statements, the correct answer is A. Your bedroom is not an ideal place to study.