by 10 there are 25 people admitted to a park by 11 there are 50 what would a slope of zero between 2 consecutive hours mean

and can the line between 2 consecutive numbers have a negative slope

zero slope means no change over the interval. a graph would be horizontal there.

negative slope means that the number is decreasing. A graph would be going down to the right.

If you match your data with a point

(t,p) where t is the time and p is the number of people

you have two points (10,25) and (11, 50)
so the "slope" would be (50-25)/(11-10) = 25

it would mean that people were admitted at a rate of 25 per hour

2nd part:

sure, that slope could be negative.

e.g. suppose the closing time is 5:00 pm
at 3:00 pm 15 people were admitted
at 4:00 pm 8 people were admitted (who would go to the park with only one hour left ?)

slope = (8-15)/(4-3) = -7

To understand the meaning of a slope of zero between two consecutive hours, let's first review what a slope represents. In this context, the slope would represent the rate of change of the number of people admitted to the park per hour.

If the slope is zero between two consecutive hours, it means that there is no change in the number of people admitted during that time period. In simpler terms, the number of people remains constant or unchanged.

In your example, by 10 o'clock there are 25 people admitted, and by 11 o'clock, there are 50 people admitted. If we calculate the slope between these two times:

Slope = (Change in the number of people) / (Change in time)
= (50 - 25) / (11 - 10)
= 25 / 1
= 25

Since the slope is 25, it indicates that the number of people admitted to the park is increasing at a rate of 25 people per hour.

Now, let's address your second question regarding whether the line between two consecutive numbers can have a negative slope. Yes, it is certainly possible for the line between two consecutive numbers to have a negative slope.

Consider the scenario where the number of people admitted at 9 o'clock is 100, and by 10 o'clock, it decreases to 80. If we calculate the slope between these two times:

Slope = (Change in the number of people) / (Change in time)
= (80 - 100) / (10 - 9)
= -20 / 1
= -20

In this case, the slope is -20, indicating that the number of people admitted to the park is decreasing at a rate of 20 people per hour.

Therefore, both positive and negative slopes are possible between two consecutive numbers, depending on whether the quantity being measured (in this case, the number of people admitted) is increasing or decreasing.