How Do I do this on my calculator? im so confused.. Archers need to use arrows that do not bend easily. The table shows how the weight of an arrow affects its spine,or the distance the center of the arrow bends when a certain constant weight is attached. graph the data in the table to find a linear and a quadratic model for the data. Which model is a better fit? Weight in grams: 140 , 150, 170, 175, 205

weight inches: 1.4 , 1.25, 0.93,0.78,0.43
please help..:/ I really suck at everything thatt has to do with this stuff

To graph the data and find a linear and quadratic model, you can follow these steps:

1. Write down the weight values in grams on the x-axis and the corresponding weight inches on the y-axis.

2. Plot the data points that you have in the table on the graph. For example, for the first data point (140 grams, 1.4 inches), plot a point at coordinates (140, 1.4).

3. Once you have plotted all the data points, examine the shape of the plotted points on the graph.

4. To find a linear model, you are looking for a straight line that best fits the data points. If the plotted points form a straight line or show a linear trend, you can use linear regression to find the equation of that line.

5. To find a quadratic model, you are looking for a curve that best fits the data points. If the plotted points do not form a straight line and instead show a curved trend, you can use quadratic regression to find the equation of that curve.

To determine which model is a better fit, you can compare the goodness of fit measures such as the coefficient of determination (R-squared) or use visual judgment by inspecting how closely the model fits the plotted points.

To perform linear regression and quadratic regression on your calculator, the specific steps may vary depending on the make and model of your calculator. However, here is a general guide:

1. Enter the weight values in grams into one list, and the weight inches into another list.

2. Access the statistical functions or regression functions on your calculator. This might be labeled as "STAT" or "STATISTICS" or have a dedicated button.

3. Select the regression type you want to perform, either linear or quadratic. Follow the prompts and enter the appropriate lists for the x-values and y-values.

4. The calculator will perform the regression analysis and give you the equation of the best-fit line or curve, as well as other statistical measures.

5. Compare the R-squared values or visually examine the plotted graph to determine which model is a better fit.

Remember to consult your calculator's manual or refer to online resources for specific instructions on performing regression analysis on your particular calculator model.